There are a multitude of definitions attributed to the term ‘duty of care’, all relating to moral, legal and financial obligations of an organization towards its staff. For humanitarians, duty of care refers to the obligation to maintain the safety, security, health and well-being of humanitarian personnel and their family members. It includes the duty on the part of the organizations to mitigate, or otherwise address foreseeable risks that may harm or injure its staff and their eligible family members. Risks include occupational security risks (such as those related to armed conflict), physical and mental health risks (such as prolonged exposure to high stress situations and instances of violence, harassment or discrimination) and safety risks (such as work in substandard facilities).
This webinar offer participants with a better understanding of the vital nature of Duty of Care, and to promote a more systematic approach amongst all humanitarian organizations. It draws on policies currently being developed to mainstream Duty of Care in the IFRC system, as well as policies already in place amongst humanitarian organizations. It reiterates the importance of existing provisions for UN and INGO staff, and by extension promote a systematic approach for national staff and staff of implementing partners.