Taking account, giving account and being held to account – buzzwords or benefits for people in crises? What does accountability to affected people mean in a practice and what do we need to be doing differently?Accountability to affected populations seems to be a buzzword that we hear a lot these days, but many don’t fully understand its meaning. The Inter-Agency Standing Committee Principals have agreed to the ‘5 Commitments on Accountability to Affected Populations’ (CAAP) but how are these supposed to be applied in the field?
This webinar explores what AAP practically means in humanitarian operations. Our panellists will discuss the differences between accountability and participation, and between collective and individual accountability, and share concrete examples and tips for how to practically implement our AAP commitments. Through examples from the Philippines, South Sudan and Kenya we will explore what changes we should be seeing in humanitarian operations as a result of greater accountability to affected people.
A summary of this webinar is unfortunately not available. Please see the recording of the webinar below: